To make this process as easy as possible ClockOn provides a simple way to send the information to the ATO as well as reporting to assist you with your checks and balances to ensure that you know what you are processing.

This article contains the following items

  1. Verifying your STP details
  2. Complete your final payroll for the year
  3. Process your EOFY STP submission

We also suggest that you also have a look at our EOFY FAQ 
guide as it has useful information for questions that we have had in the past relating to this time of year.

Verifying your STP details

The first step that you should take is to confirm that your current submission information is correct. You can do this through the Additional Settings > STP Details screen.

Updating the details on this screen will flow through to the ATO on the next STP submission. If changes are needed use the Save button to complete the process

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Complete your final payroll for the year

Ensure that your final payroll for the year has been processed, there is no difference to your normal process for this payroll unless you have additional payments that need to be made, if so then please refer to our Payroll Adjustments (Allowances & Deductions) - Examples article.

The payroll year that the payroll will reside in is determined by the Payment Date. In the example below the final payroll has already been completed for 2021-22 and the next payment will be run in the 2022-23 financial year.

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Process your EOFY STP submission

To finalize your EOFY submissions for the year  open the STP Wizard 

Once opened, ensure that the following is selected

  1. Tick to select the Employee Update option.
  2. Ensure that the ABN is correct.
  3. Check that the year for the submission is correct.
  4. Ensure that the Final Payroll Indicator option is selected.

Once done click Next and confirm the listing of employees that will be included

If the employee has been processed within this year and is not specifically ignored (for example contractors) they will be included in the list regardless of their current employment status.

Click Next again and you will be presented with a final submission screen in which you can send your records through to the ATO.

If you would like to confirm that the submission has been successfully posted to the ATO, please use the View History link from the STP page. For more information on this please see our Processing STP - View Submission History article.

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