This guide details how to access the license manager functionality in the system, this can be used to; 

  1. Adjusting your subscribed license count
  2. Upgrading your subscription
  3. Viewing available and subscribed system add-ons 

To open the license manager select the Subscriptions button from your main screen. 

Adjusting your subscribed license count

As your employee allocation within your business increases or decreases, you may like to adjust your licenses within ClockOn to allow you to payroll your staff. 

The following displays the details for your ClockOn subscription, including the package that you are currently the price per payment period the number of licenses that you currently have against your account as well as the number of licenses that are actively being used by the employees.

If you would like to adjust your subscribed license count click the Adjust Subscribed Licenses button.

Enter the number of licenses that you would like to adjust it to and confirm it and your count will be increased accordingly.

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Upgrading your subscription

You have the option to upgrade at any time from this page to access additional features within the system, to do this simply scroll down on this page until you see our listing of available packages 

To upgrade simply select whether you want your subscription to be based on a monthly or annual basis and click the select option for the package that you find appropriate for your needs.

To apply the change to your account using the Next button at the bottom of the page.

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Viewing available and subscribed system add-ons 

In addition to these packages, we have additional individual components available

Some of these options allow for a trial period to allow you to test the functionality before committing to any additional charge.

As with the full packages, to confirm this change on your account you will need to use the Next button to accept the changes.

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