Please note that this guide is an extension of the Rule Set Overview article.

This article details the options available for the calculation and payment of superannuation for the employees.


SGC percentages

The first two options on this screen relate to the Calculation Method and SGC Agreed Percent  fields and these are what the system uses to determine the rate of super to calculate based on during the payroll process

  1. Calculation Method
    This setting allows you to toggle whether you want to manually set the super percentage or allow the ClockOn system to handle this on your behalf. By default this is set to Automatic and the system will use the appropriate percentage for the financial year that the payrolls fall within.

  2. SGC Agreed Percent
    If the above option is set to Manual the user can manually set the superannuation percentage to pay the employees in this field.

Super allowance percent

Allows the user to override the super percentage for payments made as catchup for previous months.

Super Threshold
This field is used to set the amount that the employee needs to earn within a month to be eligible for superannuation payments accruals, if they exceed this threshold they will be paid super for the entire amount for the month. 

If you want to pay super on the entire amount regardless, simply set this value to zero.

Please note if the Calculation Method is set to Automatic, then the amount for this is catered for in the payroll based on the payroll's payment financial year.

Do Not Pay When Age Exceeds
This is used to prevent the payment of superannuation to employees who are over the set age limit.

Do Not Pay When Exceeds Hours Per Period field
This is used to cap the amount of super that the employee can receive within a period if they work excessive hours.

Maximum SGC contribution:
This is used to cap the amount of SGC for a month. Enter zero if the superannuation is not to be capped.

Apply Age/Hours rule
This option usually only applies for employees that are under the age of 18 years.

In the example below, the employees under 18 years of age, must work for a minimum of 30 hours per week to be eligible for superannuation contributions to be made by the employer.

The Superannuation Earnings Base
This section details which breakdowns other than normal hours and allowances, should be included when calculating the Superannuation earnings base.

Enable the appropriate checkboxes to include loadings, penalties, time-based overtime, other overtime, and leave loading in the calculation

Please note that the base rate option is available for all items that include a rate that can exceed the 100% rate. if the base rate option is enabled the costing will be included for super but only the amount at the 100% rate.

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