To assist employers with gathering employee information when taking on new staff ClockOn has partnered with Flare to provide employees with a self-onboarding experience. When used this integration will send the employee an invitation to gather their employment details as well as grant access to the employee benefits system that the Flare app provides.

Please be aware that the use of the Employee Onboarding feature will share informaiton with the Flare system.

This process is not compulsory, and if preferred the employee's information can be directly entered into the ClockOn program using the Manual method as detailed in the following article Adding Employees. 

This article contains the steps that will need to be completed for this process;

  1. Getting Started
  2. Onboarding Settings

Getting Started

The first step is for the administrator to add the initial detail for the employee, this consists of the employee's

Firstname, Surname, Email, Start date, as well as some other internal organisation information relating to the employment.

Once this has been completed the employee will receive a copy of the following email.

By clicking the Complete Onboarding link within this email the employee will initiate the process of creating their account through our Flare integration.

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Onboarding Settings

Once the employee commences the process of their onboarding they will be redirected to the Flare system to enter their information. This is split into 5 sections

  1. Personal Details
  2. Emergency Contacts
  3. Bank Details
  4. Tax Details
  5. Super Selection

Personal Details

The first step in this process is for the employee to confirm their identification details as well as add their address to the system.

Emergency Contacts

The employee will then be requested to add their emergency contact details.

Bank Details

Next are the bank details that will be used at payroll for the disbursement of funds to the employee

If you have a requirement to disburse a portion of your wage to another account, you can indicate this on the screen by using the Add a bank account button.

You can then enter the additional detail for the account.

Tax Details

As part of this process, the employee will be required to include their Tax details. 

TFN Details

The first step on this screen is for the employee to enter their Tax File Number, if they do not yet have it they can indicate this on the screen. If done then the following options will appear

  1. My TFN is pending
  2. I'm under 18 and don't have a TFN
  3. I have an exemption from quoting a TFN

Depending on which option is selected, the relevant TFN code will be provided to the ClockOn system. From this point it will be between the employer and employee to update this record once recieved.

Please be aware that due to the rules set by the ATO additional tax may be taken at payroll if the TFN is not provided without an exemption, if this is provided later then the amounts will be balanced with the EOFY reconciliation.

Residency for tax purposes

Next, you can indicate whether you are either;

  1. an Australian resident for tax purposes, 
  2. Foreign resident
  3. classed as a Working holiday maker.

If you are either 2 or 3 from this list you will need to indicate the associated country.

Tax-Free Threshold

Here you can indicate whether you are electing to use the tax-free threshold for this employment, for more information regarding the rules for this please see the ATO's Documentation.

Student Loans

Please select if you have any of the following student debts that will need to be considered during the payroll process.

For tax purposes, all of the above options have now been combined into a single type known as Study and Training Support Loan (STSL)

Payment Basis

Please indicate the payment basis that you are being employed under.

Super Selection

The following section allows the employee to advise on which super fund they would like their employees to include.

They will have the following options

  1. Sign-up for one of the funds that Flare recommends.
  2. Indicate the details for the employee's current superfund.
  3. Advise on the details for a Self-Managed Super Fund.
  4. Use the default fund as provided by the employer.

Featured Super Fund 

The first option is to use the Featured super fund. From there you can select from Flare's current recommended funds.

Alternate to this the employee has the option to indicate that they would like to Choose another fund

Use a Current Superfund

You can select to use your current super fund, if this option is selected you can search for your fund details using the fund name field, and the system will auto-fill the USI field. You will be required to enter your Member number.

Use a Self-Managed Super Fund 

If the employee has a Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) then the details can be entered for the fund here 

Employer Default Fund

If your employer has a default fund and you wish to utilize this, you can declare it here, the details for this will then populate the screen to indicate which fund will be used if this option is chosen.


On clicking the Continue button, you will be asked to confirm, and depending on your choice Flare will either initiate the process to create your new superfund or prepare to pass this information back to ClockOn.

Review Details

Once each of these steps has been completed the employee will be presented with a review screen, in which you can double check your details and make changes if necessary. 

Once happy with the result, clicking the Submit button will post this information back to the ClockOn system.

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