Once you have your locations, department, and employees set up within the system you should now be able to generate your payroll.

This article contains the following items that relate to the generation and processing of payroll.

  1. Creating a Payroll
  2. The Payroll Screen
  3. Payslip Detail
  4. Processing Payroll

Creating a Payroll

To open the payroll screen first select either the Payroll option from the main screen or the Process Payroll option from the menu bar.

This will open the Draft Payrolls screen, to initiate a payroll 

  1. Click the Create button 
  2. Select the Payroll Pay Period as set up when you created your account
  3. Click the Create button.

This will create and open the payroll in a draft mode

ClockOn allows you to do additional payrolls in the system for adjustments and backpays, for a guide on how to do this please see the Payroll Period Corrections guide.

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The Payroll Screen

Once you have generated a draft payroll you will see the employees that have the corresponding pay period set in their employee profile listed on the screen along with the amounts that the system will pay the employees for the period with the current settings

If the amounts are not correct or you wish to check them in more detail, you can use the Options button next to each employee to view the following

  1. Timesheets
    Opens the timesheet editor to allow you to add or adjust the time entries that have been assigned to the employee
  2. Termination
    Opens the termination wizard for employees that have been marked for finalization with the business. For instructions on how to prepare an employee for termination please see the following guide. Employee Terminations.

  3. Employee
    Allows for a quick link to open the employee details screen.

  4. Payslip
    Allows for a view in which you can see the breakdown of the timesheets allowances tax and super for the employee within the payroll. It also allows for manual entry on certain entries such as allowances and super within the payroll.

You can also select the include or exclude particular employees from the payroll if desired, by toggling the Included checkbox

PLEASE NOTE: Employees excluded from the period will receive no payments for the period and will not accrue any leave entitlements for the period. If leave accrual is needed but the employee is earning nothing, then leave them included within the payroll and process as per normal. 

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Payslip Detail

As indicated above the payslip screen allows for a view in which you can see the breakdown of the timesheets allowances tax and super for the employee within the payroll. It also allows for manual entry on certain entries such as allowances and super within the payroll. 

NOTE: It is likely not all of these sections will be visible as they will depend on the items within the payroll for example if there are no timesheets then the Hours section will not show, if there are no before tax allowances this section will be hidden etc.


The Payslip screen is split down into several parts

  1. Hours
    Lists the costings that the system has generated based on timesheets entered into the system.

  2. Gross Payments
    Lists the before-tax allowances that have been set to the employee.

  3. Leave Payouts
    Shows each of the leave categories that the employee can either accrue or take leave on, expanding these will show a listing of the amounts of leave that the employees have taken, accrued, and are to be paid out within the period.

  4. Tax
    Shows the PAYG tax that the system will generate based on the tax category selected in the employee's profile. This section will also show any additional tax and tax allowance rebate allowances.

  5. Net Payments
    This section shows any after-tax payments that are to be made to the employee.

  6. Pay Disbursements
    Where the funds will be distributed to, if the employee is being paid by the EFT file this will indicate the banking details. Items that may also reside here include additional disbursements to other bank accounts and child support payments.

  7. Super
    This section details the super that the system has determined that the employee will be paid with as per the ruleset settings

You can expand out each section within the payslip screen by clicking on the triangle symbol on the left side


Within the payslip screen, you also have shortcut options for the employees set up detail from the Menu button

These options allow you to do the following

  1. Employee
    Quick access to the employee's profile.
  2. Ruleset
    Quick access to the employee's linked ruleset for their payment conditions. 
  3. Allowances
    Quick access to the employee's allowance listing. 
  4. Time Sheets
    Quick access to the employee's timesheet listing for the period. 
  5. Reset Payslip
    Clears any direct manual changes to the payslip screen and re-calculates based on the default amounts.

Using the Reset Payslip option will only affect this specific employee and will not remove or affect timesheets and allowances where the amounts were specifically set within the settings directly.  

Processing Payroll

Once you are happy with the amounts for the payroll return to the payroll screen and then click the Process button.

This will finalise your payroll. From there you will need to complete the process to the ATO by using the STP submission process.

Please note that completing the payroll does not automatically send your information through to the ATO, you will still need to do an additional Single Touch Payroll process using the Export, Single Touch Payroll menu option.

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